The name “Limbandungila” tran from the Oshiwambo language of northern Namibia as “walk slowly.” Ottilie Nghiitwikwa, the owner, is an expert on hand-carved wooden goods sources wood carvinsg from northern/north-eastern Namibia (which the areas are known for).
Since 1997, Limbandungila has carried exquisitely hand-carved wooden masks, paintings in relief, ceremonial masks, wildlife figurines, as well as traditional Namibian items like bowls, cups, and woven harvest baskets, mostly from cultural groups in northern Namibia that Nghiitwikwa carefully selected for her customers.
Ottilie’s frequently travels to northern Namibia. Always on the search for hand-carved wooden objects, sticking to her firm and initiative, supporting several rural producers and artisans. Her keen eye has produced a number of winning traditional, genuine hardwood artefacts that embody the skill of Namibian crafters.